Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Online Gambling For The Responsible Gambler


There are those out there who say that gambling is a vice and I agree that there are some people out there who should not gamble, but to say that responsible gambles should not be able to partake in what may be their favourite pastime is a bit much. I have been know to go to the local casino on occasion for a bit of a flutter but the noise and smoke sort of pisses me off. I haven’t really tried Online Gambling, but I reckon it would be a lot more comfortable to do it at home. I would have to stick to my normal rules of game play, which is that I allow myself a set amount of money for each session. If by some unlucky chance I lose that amount then that is the end of the session. If more people would live by this rule there would be a lot less heart ache in this world.

My favourite game is black jack, as I find it a simple and skilful game. The other one I tend to play is the roulette wheel. I don’t always have much luck on this one, but shit it sure is fun to play. I also love poker machines and there is also the River Belle Casino, which would be great if you could get a feeling of the old days of gambling on a luxurious river boat. You need to download software to play but that really isn’t a big deal as the download is quite small and would most surely make game play a lot quicker and more enjoyable.

The Gaming Club looks like a good site and though it is best to download the software those who do not wish to can try ‘quick play’ though it does not work with Firefox browsers. Then there is also the Lucky Nugget Online Casino, which has more to offer and once again requires the download of software. It really isn’t a big deal as the download is quite small and would most surely make game play a lot quicker and more enjoyable.