Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jog Over To For Proper Fitting Shoes


Getting the right fitting is so important as ill fitting shoes are quite capable of causing an injury. There are many women, who love to jog or run, and they should seriously consider getting womens asics running shoes. The thing you have to remember is that not only do you want the right brand you also need to get the right shoe for you.

It is not well known, but not all shoe departments have qualified personally that actually know how to fit shoes properly. Sure it may fit but that may not necessarily mean it is the correct shoe. That probably explains why a lot of people get sore feet. You need to go to someone that knows the product and how to fit it to the individual. When you consider that the staff at take the time to analyse the biomechanics of each customer so they can put them in the proper category of an athletic shoe, you can appreciate why just buying a shoe of the shelf is the wrong way to go. This is enforced by the fact that it normally takes them 30 to 45 minutes to select the proper shoe. So do your feet a favour and let the experts at fit you with new shoes.

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