Friday, September 15, 2006

Auto Insurance Online, Quick And Easy!

I have always thought it would be pretty rough being a woman driving all alone, especially at nights. So I wasn’t too amazed when I found out that there apparently is an insurance company that is offering their female customers the ultimate in protection. This company, Sheila’s Wheels has the ‘Buddy on Demand” scheme. Nope, you don’t phone for help, what you do in the case of suspicious characters is flip a switch and whammy; you get an instant male companion. You would have to get the timing right or they would be wondering what he was doing under the dash.

In regards to buying a car, one of the first things you have to remember is auto insurance online. Never, ever purchase a car and drive it home without having it insured first. Why? Because of Murphy! Yep you heard me, if you are ever dumb enough not to insure your vehicle, you can bet your bottom dollar that Murphy’s Law would strike you down with lightning, or at the very least you will have a crash on the way home.

Today, because of the Internet, there is no excuse not to get any form of insurance. It’s so easy now to go online and get the right package that you would be an absolute dolt not to get one straight away. So if you’ve just bought a car, don’t hesitate, get online now for your best insurance quotes.