Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blogger Update

I've been blogging for many years and have several blogs. I thought that for today I would write about some of my latest posts.

Introducing Grammarly

Something that I'm really pleased about is my latest acquisition, one that is going to improve the Grammarly! Grammarly is an app that helps me to proofread my posts, as well as correct my grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.
It's improved the quality of my blogging immensely.

I've written two posts expounding the virtues of Grammarly. One on WassupBlog, titled Good Grammar Is Important. The other on Well Blog Me, called Best Grammar App.

I've embedded a video in both posts, one I've produced myself, all about How Good Is Grammarly, A Review.

I was so impressed with Grammarly, I became an affiliate and have already made two sales!

EzeSportsBetting Update

My online sports betting site is taking a while to take off. Although the traffic is increasing steadily and it's producing a lot of clicks, for some reason they're not converting.

Online Lottery Tickets

On the other hand, my lottery sites are doing quite well, producing a regular income. There's my first lotto site, Buy Online Lotto Tickets, and my second Get Online Lottery Tickets.

Because of the popularity of my Friday Funnies posts I've decided to add the Heaps of Jokes category to BlogSire.