Saturday, December 28, 2013

How To Replace The Rearview Mirror of a Toyota HiAce

I learned the other day that if you have a Toyota HiAce and you try and rumble with a semi you will always come out second best. Fortunately all I lost was the left hand rearview mirror which was taken clean off!

I went on YouTube to see what needed to be done to replace the rear view mirror on a Toyota HiAce 2008 model only to find out that one didn't exist. I've removed the door trim on other vehicles, including Holdens, Mazdas, Hinos, Izuzus but never on a Toyota HiAce. I figured, how different could it be?

I took a video of how I did it and uploaded it to YouTube so others could learn from my experience.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little Johnny Jokes

Everybody loves Little Johnny Jokes right? That's why I've put together a couple of Little Johnny jokes and uploaded them to YouTube

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lottery Robots

Using the help of Lottery Robots to help me select the numbers in the US Mega Millions lottery

Monday, December 09, 2013

Tony Pantano Sings L'italiano

Every year the guys at the Festa Madonna Di Montevergine get a celebrity to perform. At this years Festa they got Tony Pandano. This video shows him singing a Toto Cutugno favourite, L'italiano.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Aussie Chinese Joke Laughaholics #6

After getting this joke in an email I had to share it with you guys. I sure hope you like it enough to share it with your friends. The video actually has two jokes ;)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Laughaholics #5 Falling bricks and canary problems

The latest in the Laughaholics series. You're going to love these jokes. Once you've watched it head on over to Wassupblog for this weeks Friday Funnies.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Laughaholics #4 Blow Job Giving Frog and Marriage

This weeks Laughaholics video is guaranteed to make you laugh. It's all about marriage and some of the problems involved with marriage. It includes a blow job giving frog and a little bit of marriage counselling.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Walkthrough for Candy Crush level 147 strategy

What you just saw was one of my many attempts of trying to get through Level 147 of the Candy Crush Saga. Complete with commentary it displays my frustration with this game. I'm sure many of you can sympathise with me.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Laughaholics #3 Blonde Jokes

I hope you love blonde jokes because this weeks Laughaholics is all about blondes. :)

Friday, August 09, 2013

Three men In A Bar Joke Laughaholics #2

The latest in the Laughaholics video. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Walks Into A Bar Joke! Laughaholics#1

Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to the first in what I hope to be a long string of funny videos. The series will be called Laughaholics and I'll be the comedian in the video. You won't see me but you will hear my voice, complete with Aussie accent ;)

I hope you enjoyed the video and that you will share it with your friends. Heck, you could even give it the 'thumbs up' on YouTube ;)
